Biolinks Alliance strategic plan / Case for support
Biolinks Alliance needed to reach high-value donors to fund its three-year strategic conservation goals in Central Victoria. Biolinks is a small but highly effective organisation that has identified critical missing links in Australian conservation.
This high-quality print brochure stewards the relationships Biolinks is building with philanthropists, trusts and foundations, using stories to demonstrate the outcomes of Biolinks conservation work and the need for its ongoing existence.
I managed the production of the brochure including researching, interviewing stakeholders,
concept layout, writing, sourcing images and managing the design and feedback process.
This brochure helped to secure the largest grant in the history of the organisation within weeks of printing, with the winning of a $350,000 grant Biolinks had sought multiple times previously without success.

Communications pack
Parks Victoria
I produced a suite of communications products to promote the environmental outcomes of Parks Victoria works in the Mallee national parks to a broad range of stakeholders including park visitors, internal Parks Victoria teams and externally at a conference for natural resource managers. The result included a Powerpoint presentation, a brochure, a poster, and five Facebook posts.
I managed the production of the brochure including organising a content-gathering trip and commissioning a photo shoot, interviewing stakeholders,
concept layout, writing, sourcing images and managing the design and feedback process.
Blog story
Fairtrade Australia New Zealand
Fairtrade wanted to engage its supporters with the work of a Peruvian coffee grower who demonstrates Fairtrade values in every part of his international business, at the same time as maximising the reach of the message this Fairtrade licensee had shared in a webinar. I transformed the webinar content into a blog for the Fairtrade website, on a quick turnaround just before Christmas.

Donor welcome pack
Bush Heritage Australia
Bush Heritage knows that acquiring new donors is only the first part of the journey. The real challenge is keeping them. I produced a beautiful brochure to welcome new, recently acquired donors to the regular giving program. The result was a beautiful, emotive publication that helped to increase the retention rate of these donors, ensuring Bush Heritage income to carry out critical conservation work on its reserves and partnerships.
I managed the production of the brochure including researching, interviewing stakeholders, concept layout, writing, sourcing images and managing the design and feedback process.

Bequest acquisition insert Bush Heritage Australia
Those considering leaving a bequest to Bush Heritage are making an emotional decision about the legacy they want to leave behind after they are gone. I wrote a story about the powerful gift that one couple made to the Australian landscape. The story was inserted to targeted donors in the regular supporter newsletter and brought new bequest promises, a key component in Bush Heritage’s fundraising strategy.

Case studies
Business Moreland website
(for Big Talk Agency)

Landing pages Bush Heritage Australia
sea turtles
When Bush Heritage sought to reach new audiences via its newly redeveloped website, I wrote landing pages about Australian wildlife – to capture people who are interested in wildlife but may be previously unaware of Bush Heritage’s conservation work. The pages successful in driving traffic to other parts of the website including newsletter signups.

Newsletter stories
Bush Heritage Australia
Bush Tracks is Bush Heritage’s quarterly print and email newsletter to engage existing supporters with the conservation outcomes their support makes possible. The newsletter’s purpose is donor retention. I have written numerous Bush Tracks stories covering topics that supporters love to hear about, including wildlife, fire management, outback life, scientist profiles, the purchase of new reserves and the critical role Aboriginal people play in Australian conservation.
Newsletter 2021 – A package from the bush
Newsletter 2020 – Growing tarcutta
Newsletter 2018 – Goldilocks solution
Newsletters 2018 – Bringing back the bilby
Newsletter 2017 – Loving a river to life
Newsletters 2017 – In fiery footsteps

Who I work with
I work primarily with clients in the environmental sector, many of whom are not-for-profit organisations creating a brighter future for the unique plants, animals and landscapes that are such a special part of Australia. I also work with organisations and businesses in sustainability, who are moving Australia towards a lighter footprint.